If you're ready to take on the 21 day mind and body challenge, watch the video below then press that button and get signed up

Next Challenge Begins: Monday 5th February 2024

If you’re a Father struggling to keep the spinning plates going

And by that I mean… 

You’re flat-out working to provide for the family

You’re collapsing every afternoon completely exhausted - but your wife & kids want a piece of you

You have ZERO time for yourself anymore

And as a result… 

You’ve Let Your Body Go With Poor Health And Bad Habits

Then congratulations.

You’ve just entered the majority of men in Australia moving through life as an ageing, unhealthy father.

One who is losing a grip on things which is starting to show cracks in the household.

Energy for the kids - non-existent.

More snappy than usual - grumpy dad is a fitting title

Attraction and intimacy with the Mrs - she’s more obliging than initiating.

You are not alone.

And I get it, it’s hard.

One day you look up, into the mirror

And say…

“What the fuck happened?”

“This isn’t who I thought I would be?”

“This isn’t where I thought life would be going?”

That was me too.

Check this out…

This Is What My Body Looked Like After I Became A Father

And the craziest part? I was an International Athlete in 2 sports, so I KNEW how to be fit.

It was not because I didn’t know how to eat healthy or how to workout. 

But after being a father for the first time.

Whilst running a business. 

And “trying” to be a good husband…

I ended up letting myself go.

I started to eat what my kids ate.

And I had no discipline. 

But that completely changed when I started using the protocol you are about to discover on this page… 

What if I told you that there was something you could do about the situation you’re in?

What if I told you that you can lose weight and increase your energy WHILST eating delicious food?

What if I told you that you only have to workout for 30 minutes a day to build a great body and get in shape?

And NO! 

This has nothing to do with jumping on TRT or the gear or following 25yr old juice junkies selling the "dream" on Instagram.

But a real protocol designed only for fathers to get back on track.

It’s The Same Protocol That I Used To Sharpen Up And Look Like This While Having 3 Kids And Running 2 Businesses

Let me share with you… 

Why Most Fathers Struggle With Weight Gain, Short Tempers And A Poor Sex Life - And How You Can Get In Your Best Shape, Connect With Your Family And Get In Control

See, most fathers end up falling apart.

Because of this stigma and bullshit around “family first”

How’s that working out for you?

It’s the greatest lie ever sold.

One that's driving good men into an early grave.

They sacrifice for the family, destroying themselves with work and responsibilities at home

And ironically enough end up sacrificing themselves AND their families because they burnout.

There is a way to put your family first though.


By putting yourself first.

You can’t pour from an empty cup.

But when you invest in yourself.

You become 100 again, so you can now give 100.

And everyone wins.

How do you do that?

Compared to all the other gimmicks and shiny objects out there

You need someone who understands what’s broken the camel's back - FATHERHOOD

When you have the right structure in place as a working father juggling all the moving parts of life(time, efficiency)

And you focus on the FEW core things that work(effectiveness)

What you have is control, execution and great results with very little time required

That’s exactly what Fathers need

“Al, I want the biggest bang for my buck, and I don’t have time either”

Got it, loud and clear

It’s why we are ultra successful

Because after 10,000 conversations

Helping thousands of fathers get their shit together

We have the answer, and have for years now


Following The New Way Is Exactly What Chris Did To Whip Himself Into Shape, Pronto!

Think about what family life, your mindset & confidence, energy levels and wellbeing could look like once you apply this method. 

(which is the easiest and best thing Fathers can stick to and consistently do)

Imagine waking up "flying the flag" because you’ve got your mojo back

Imagine the Mrs giving you “the look” because the big dog’s back in town, and he's looking sharp

Imagine jumping out of bed instead of crawling to your 1st of many coffees - just to WAKE UP

Imagine looking in the mirror with confidence knowing you no longer resemble melted ice-cream

Imagine having energy, ALL DAY, and connecting with the kids, creating new experiences with them

Imagine controlling your emotions and being a man of high standards who’s leading the family 

Imagine having this structure that gets you dialled in and more time back on your side .

In fact…

Let Me Show You How Straight Up It Is To Shed The Baggage, Get Pumping With Energy And Become Your Best Version Using This Protocol


We’ll show you how to lose weight by eating healthy, delicious food that keeps you full without cutting calories and counting macros.


We’ll show you how to transform your body by working out for only 30 minutes a day. So you can get into great shape without sacrificing time with your family.


Apply our unique and simple structure for fathers that gives you the time and accountability to build the right habits - so you don’t have to think, meaning it’s easier to stick to and get results.

Once you have used this Protocol…

You’ll lean up and have boundless energy again

You’ll remove that brain fog that’s killing your performance.

And most importantly you’ll finally be in control, no more grumpy dad, a connected family man who’s proud of who looks back in the mirror

Don’t believe me?

Don’t take my word for it.

Just Look At What Some Of Our Fathers Are Saying After Using This Exact Same Method

Troy’s Energy Levels Have Tripled, He Has Structure Again And Is A Better Family Man Now

Zac Has Healthy Habits In Place And Also Got Back An Extra 15 Hours A Week

Pete Went From A Shell Of A Man To Confident, Strong And Leading His Family Again

Neil Was Struggling After His Second Child Was Born But Is Now In The Best Shape Of His Life

Stuart Went From Sloppy, Lethargic, Cranky Dad To Fitter, Happier With More Clarity And Energy For himself & Family

Paul’s Confidence And Energy Were Shot, But Now He Is In Charge, Happy In Himself And Plays For Hours With His Son

And The Best Part Is I’m Giving This Away For Next To Nothing Here’s Why…

Being a father is the hardest and greatest thing a man ever faces.

And it has been a huge passion of mine for a long time.

We break ourselves for everyone else, but what about us?

When Dads win, everyone wins, which is why we uphold the Gold Standard of service for Fathers all over Australia.

But also, get to know me a little better too

Here’s my track record, to paint a clear, ugly, painful and bright picture:

  • Grew up obese, bullied, picked on, zero confidence or self-worth.

  • Became an elite athlete, going from NO Rugby League to 1st Grade Squad with the Penrith Panthers in only 18 months

  • Played internationally for Italy 5 times. 

  • 9 Operations and reconstructions, body destroyed, career shattered and broke, had to sell my home and move in with my grandparents

  • Worked for my brothers pool business as head installer to build for my next opportunity

  • Opened several gyms on the northern beaches and Newcastle

  • Competed internationally in Crossfit 3 years in a row

  • Fittest in the world for my size in Crossfit (112kg & 6’4)

  • Fatherhood hit (3 children now)

  • Battles with IVF just to land our first 2 miracles (mental toll on my wife and our marriage)

  • Marriage, body and businesses fell apart in 2017 (the rebuild began and HPF was born)

  • Poor health in 2023 lead to blow up of 124kg, struggling to get my heart rate over 120bpm and walk up hills

  • Completed our 21 Day Jumpstart, Trimmed down to 113kg

  • Now sitting at 107kg, can do 500 strict Pull Ups in just over an hour, still following this protocol i’m sharing with you

  • Worked with over 6000 men and helped generate over 2,789,354 Training Sessions

  • Over 48,104kg of fat SHREDDED off Fathers Nationwide

  • #1 Coaching Program for Fathers across Australia - High Performance Father

I’ve done a lot and heard and seen it all.

If I wasn’t in phenomenal shape, there is no way I could have handled all of the above.

Businesses, family, marriage, I’m the king of my household

My children literally think I can pick up cars (holding onto that one for a bit longer before i break the news to them)

They train with me several times a week. 

My wife has eyes for me, a lot (I need to say no sometimes)

My confidence, not fabricated, is easy to portray because confidence is simply a track record of wins

And the countless amounts of wins in my health and fitness 100% converts to all other areas of life

You can have that as well man

I’m not some "SHAMWOW" wanker talking shit just to pump you up

This isn’t a 30 cent cloth that soaks up carpet spills

This is your life

All you need is a jumpstart

Someone in your corner who’s got your back

Someone to help you get back in the winners’ circle

Here’s Everything You’re Going To Get When Join The 21-Day High Performance Fitness Challenge Now

21 Day Workout Plan

Unique “Dadlete” Plan that lays out all of your workouts for 21 days that only take 30 minutes, both home and gym options.

21 Day Nutrition Protocol

This is going to show you how lose weight while eating delicious food that keeps you full.

High Performance Fitness Shopping List

This is a complete shopping list for all the food you need for this challenge so we can remove all the guesswork on what to eat.

21-Day Progress And Accountability Tracker

You’ll get access to an accountability and progress tracker that will not only help you get into phenomenal shape but also reconnect with your family.

Total Value: $689

Price Today: $21

Now I know that everything I’m offering you is going to get you dominating in no time.

But I want to make sure you get out of your own way and silence the little voice inside to take this opportunity and give back to yourself

That’s why I’m going to give you these bonuses for FREE to make sure your results are better than guaranteed. 

Join The 21-Day High Performance Fitness Challenge Today And You’ll Get These Bonuses Worth $1587 For FREE

BONUS#1 Get Sh*t Done Protocol

How To Get Over 20 Hours A Week Back So You Can Get Into Your Best Shape Without Sacrificing Time With Your Family Or For Your Business

One of the biggest questions I get all the time is… 

“Al, I don’t have time to work out. What do I do?”

That’s why I want to give you our Get Sh*t Done Protocol. 

This alone gets over 1,000 hours a year back and gives the man superior control and structure over his calendar and day to day operating


Yours Free When You Join The Challenge Today

BONUS#2 Mind Of Steel Course

How To Gain Unshakeable Mindset To Crush All The Roadblocks In Front Of You

Our Mind of Steel Course is exclusively for HPF Members, but we are opening it up for you to sharpen the axe and have laser focus and purpose as a husband, man and father


Yours Free When You Join The Challenge Today

BONUS#3 High Performance Community

Limited: Join Our Community To Get To The Top Of Your Mountain

The other Coaches, myself and fellow tribesmen will be sharing strategies, tactics, wins, overcoming hurdles, mindset and motivation so you DO NOT FAIL


Yours Free When You Join The Challenge Today

You’re Backed By My…

Get Results In 21 Days

Or It’s FREE Guarantee

Look I know you have probably bought heaps of shit in the past where you were lied to, ignored and got ZERO value.

Or maybe you got into the shiny objects and other promises that didn’t end up working.

Or maybe you joined one of those "Dad Bod" challenges that ended up being just another generic fitness program with a title to try and “relate” to you...

That’s why I want to give you this guarantee.

Here’s how it works.

After you go through the 21 Days, the tribe, the bonuses, and everything on offer...

If you don’t get results. 

By results I mean you can see physical changes in your body.

If you don’t end up having more energy.  

or even if you don’t “feel” like it wasn’t worth a couple of pies and a Powerade at the servo

(or you’re just hungry and you need that money back for a servo run…)

Just send an email to

And we’ll give you a full refund no questions asked.

So you’ve got nothing to lose. 


The worst case scenario is you half-arse this and get reasonable results that would have cost you over half a grand somewhere else, only this is $21

And “standard” case scenario is version 2.0 appears and your life completely changes

Time to go ALL IN and give back to yourself for once man

You won’t regret it

Or do nothing, do whatever you like

There’s no shortage of work to be done and lives to change

If not you, another man will step in and become 2.0 for himself and his family

So I’m sweet either way…

Again Here’s Everything You Are Going To Get For Just $1 A Day by joining The 21-Day High Performance Fitness Challenge

  • 21 Day Workout Plan

  • 21 Day Nutrition Protocol

  • High Performance Fitness Shopping List

  • 21-Day Progress And Accountability Tracker

  • BONUS#1 Get Sh*t Done Protocol

  • BONUS#2 Mind Of Steel Course

  • BONUS#3 High Performance Community


Price Today: $21

Now You’re Probably Wondering, Who Is This Tall Good Looking White Guy And Why Should I Trust Him?

Nice to meet you

My name is Alex Ranieri

Married to my beautiful wife, Father of 3 and multiple 7 figure business owner

I wake up every day with clarity and purpose, and dominate my performances in family, self and service

I’m in control of my time, connected to life and winning, but it wasn’t always this way

As an ex-professional athlete I found myself in dark times in 2017 trying to juggle and fit everything in, safe to say the game had changed:

  • Marriage

  • Fatherhood

  • Business

  • Body

It became a mess, stretched in every direction

Spinning plates everywhere, wobbly, about to smash

It took me YEARS to "figure this out"...

...and another 436+ adjustments to perfect it. (literally had to change things 1-2 times a week, it was so hard)

And mentors and coaches and lots of money trying all the “guru’s” ways

But my progress stalled because I myself was not operating as a system

I was not whole, just bolt ons, bits and pieces and trying what everyone else was saying - all at once

That’s when I discovered HPP

In Case You Are Wondering…

I have joined so many fitness and dadbod challenges before. What makes this one so different?

Instead of a 25yr old changing the title of a generic program to appeal to fathers, calling it “dadbod”, we’ve established ourselves as the #1 program for Fathers in Australia with a comprehensive background and track record to actually have a specific and tailored program, made ONLY FOR Fathers like yourself.

What do I get when I invest?

Immediate access to our protocol to get underway - all resources, videos, walkthroughs and guides to get you winning. What you also get though is an exclusive invitation into our Community as well as our Time Management and Mindset Courses, all worth nearly 2 grand, for free…

What is the price of this?

$21 AUD.Your investment in yourself through HPF doesn’t change my life at all tomorrow, but your life certainly does. This is about a bigger mission and purpose to get behind and help fathers like you all over the country start winning at a higher level again - raising the standards for future generations.

How long do I get access for?

Forever. We don’t cut corners or shave our value and service. What I will say though is the community access is definitely limited. Once you’re in, you’re in, but I can't guarantee it will always be on offer.

If I’m not satisfied can I refund?

Yep, we don’t have time to waste for any back and forths at all and stay focused on moving forward and changing lives. You want a refund just send and email to and it will be sorted.